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At the service of the customer

Innovation and continuous process and product improvement is essential, but the years of experience and the evolution of the markets have made us understand how important the services we are able to provide are also. We have therefore worked hard, also on this front, moving from a profile of a simple product supplier to a more consultative approach, capable of providing the customer with a whole series of preliminary and final services with respect to the supply.

For this, we have hired and trained highly specialized personnel in design, pre-press and printing. Our goal was in fact to be able to provide customized packaging that meets the specific needs and requests of the customer, starting from the graphic choice, to delivery, even for minimum quantities.

Just in time is our philosophy.

We try to reduce waste as much as possible, and only produce what is necessary.
We optimize the production process, to improve the effectiveness of the company and customer satisfaction.

Our strenghts

Design, pre-press and sampling

We have an internal department equipped with the latest technologies available on the market, to design and immediately sample the ordered packaging.

Any type of packaging, without quantity limits

We produce any type of packaging, in various shapes and closing solutions, from small to large and very large, both in small and large batches.

Know-how at the customer's service

50 years of experience at customer service. The professionalism of our technicians, combined with the continuous innovation of production lines, allows us to satisfy any need and solve any problem.

Rapid deliveries with owned vehicles

Our highly automated production system allows us to process orders within 24 hours of receipt which, thanks to our fleet of vehicles, will be delivered just as quickly.

Contact us for all additional information you need or to request a free quote

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